

  • Mockana Room Spray Exotic Rose 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Exotic Rose 100ml

    Exotic rose begins with a top note of spicy hyacinth, blended with the star of this fragrance the peony and pink rose floral heart note. At the base, woody notes of clove and honey which brings the fragrance to a close.
  • Mockana Room Spray Forest Fern 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Forest Fern 100ml

    Forest Fern enters with a spicy cinnamon and citrus top note, blended with a soothing heart note of balsamic. At the base, strong and warm woody notes of sandalwood and cedarwood which brings this fragrance to a close.
  • Mockana Room Spray Fynbos 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Fynbos 100ml

    Inspired by dappled sunlight on a white flowering garden, this aromatic fragrance will fill your room & capture your senses Cape Fynbos enters with a Lavender, Peppermint and Eucalyptus top note, middle notes of Marjoram and calming Melissa herbs,...
  • Mockana Room Spray Grapefruit 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Grapefruit 100ml

    Sugared Grapefruit opens with a zesty top note of orange and grapefruit, blended with a sweet floral heart note of rose. At the base, a balsamic note of vanilla which brings the fragrance to a compelling close.
  • Mockana Room Spray Green Fig 50ml

    Mockana Room Spray Green Fig 50ml

    Indulge in a sophisticated and elegant fragrance with Room Spray Green Fig 50ml. Our 100ml bottle comes with frosted glass and a chromed lid, perfect for any room in your home. Designed to instantly refresh your space with a quick spray, our irresistible...
  • Mockana Room Spray Jasmine 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Jasmine 100ml

    Jasmine enters with a light orange flower and green leaf top note, blended with the sensual heart note of Jasmin. At the base, sweet woody notes of lily of valley brings the fragrance to a seductive close.
  • Mockana Room Spray Lemongrass 50ml

    Mockana Room Spray Lemongrass 50ml

    Introducing our Room Spray Lemongrass 50ml, a sophisticated and elegant addition to your home decor. Our 100ml bottle is crafted from frosted glass with a chromed lid, designed to refresh your room with a quick spray. Our lemongrass scent is one of many...
  • Mockana Room Spray Luxury Oad 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Luxury Oad 100ml

    Luxury Oud begins with a top note of citrus and plums, blended with agarwood notes with middle notes of saffron, rose, jasmine and lilac.At the base, patchouli, sandalwood, oud, cypress and musk which brings the fragrance to a close.In 2013 Mockana...
  • Mockana Room Spray Pink Champagne 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Pink Champagne 100ml

    A hint of musk and red berries which brings the fragrance to a close. The fragrance oil percentage is 25% which is considerably higher than most other diffusers on the market which obviously vastly improves the performance. Is packed in a white box. 100ml
  • Mockana Room Spray Sandalwood 50ml

    Mockana Room Spray Sandalwood 50ml

    With its distinct sweet and woody scent, this wonderfully warm fragrance promotes a sense of calm, and focused mind. It enchants the senses and creates the perfect inner balance. Today, sandalwood is the second most valuable wood in the world. But what...
  • Mockana Room Spray Vanilla 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Vanilla 100ml

    Vanilla Coconut opens with an exotic creamy coconut and sweet vanilla top note, blended with fruity heart notes of mango and orange. The fragrance is rounded off with an earthy base note of musk.
  • Mockana Room Spray Wild Citrus 100ml

    Mockana Room Spray Wild Citrus 100ml

    Wild Citrus opens with a fresh citrus top note of lemon, blended with the heart note of pulp tea. Rounding off the fragrance with earthy base notes of musk and ambergris.This Room Spray comes in a black box. 100ml